Find Your Domain
The .LUXURY domain is the extension dedicated to all things luxury. The luxury industry now has a domain name that distinguishes them above the rest with .LUXURY. With a .LUXURY domain, you can position yourself and define your brand with a unique and highly marketable domain name. Create a luxurious online presence that showcases your brand or product on a level above the everyday generic domain. Register your .LUXURY domain and distinguish yourself online today!
Years | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Register | ¥199.32 | ¥398.70 | ¥598.01 | ¥797.32 | ¥996.63 | ¥1131.05 | ¥1319.56 | ¥1508.08 | ¥1696.58 | ¥1885.09 |
Renew | ¥199.32 | ¥398.70 | ¥598.01 | ¥797.32 | ¥996.63 | ¥1131.05 | ¥1319.56 | ¥1508.08 | ¥1696.58 | ¥1885.09 |
Transfer | ¥199.32 |
Years | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Register | ¥199.32 | ¥398.70 | ¥598.01 | ¥797.32 | ¥996.63 | ¥1131.05 | ¥1319.56 | ¥1508.08 | ¥1696.58 | ¥1885.09 |
Renew | ¥199.32 | ¥398.70 | ¥598.01 | ¥797.32 | ¥996.63 | ¥1131.05 | ¥1319.56 | ¥1508.08 | ¥1696.58 | ¥1885.09 |
Transfer | ¥199.32 |
Years | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Register | ¥199.32 | ¥398.70 | ¥598.01 | ¥797.32 | ¥996.63 | ¥1131.05 | ¥1319.56 | ¥1508.08 | ¥1696.58 | ¥1885.09 |
Renew | ¥199.32 | ¥398.70 | ¥598.01 | ¥797.32 | ¥996.63 | ¥1131.05 | ¥1319.56 | ¥1508.08 | ¥1696.58 | ¥1885.09 |
Transfer | ¥199.32 |
Domain Price | |
1 years | |
Register | ¥199.32 |
Renew | ¥199.32 |
transfer | ¥199.32 |
2 years | |
Register | ¥398.70 |
Renew | ¥398.70 |
3 years | |
Register | ¥598.01 |
Renew | ¥598.01 |
4 years | |
Register | ¥797.32 |
Renew | ¥797.32 |
5 years | |
Register | ¥996.63 |
Renew | ¥996.63 |
6 years | |
Register | ¥1131.05 |
Renew | ¥1131.05 |
7 years | |
Register | ¥1319.56 |
Renew | ¥1319.56 |
8 years | |
Register | ¥1508.08 |
Renew | ¥1508.08 |
9 years | |
Register | ¥1696.58 |
Renew | ¥1696.58 |
10 years | |
Register | ¥1885.09 |
Renew | ¥1885.09 |
Domain Price | |
1 years | |
Register | ¥199.32 |
Renew | ¥199.32 |
transfer | ¥199.32 |
2 years | |
Register | ¥398.70 |
Renew | ¥398.70 |
3 years | |
Register | ¥598.01 |
Renew | ¥598.01 |
4 years | |
Register | ¥797.32 |
Renew | ¥797.32 |
5 years | |
Register | ¥996.63 |
Renew | ¥996.63 |
6 years | |
Register | ¥1131.05 |
Renew | ¥1131.05 |
7 years | |
Register | ¥1319.56 |
Renew | ¥1319.56 |
8 years | |
Register | ¥1508.08 |
Renew | ¥1508.08 |
9 years | |
Register | ¥1696.58 |
Renew | ¥1696.58 |
10 years | |
Register | ¥1885.09 |
Renew | ¥1885.09 |
Domain Price | |
1 years | |
Register | ¥199.32 |
Renew | ¥199.32 |
transfer | ¥199.32 |
2 years | |
Register | ¥398.70 |
Renew | ¥398.70 |
3 years | |
Register | ¥598.01 |
Renew | ¥598.01 |
4 years | |
Register | ¥797.32 |
Renew | ¥797.32 |
5 years | |
Register | ¥996.63 |
Renew | ¥996.63 |
6 years | |
Register | ¥1131.05 |
Renew | ¥1131.05 |
7 years | |
Register | ¥1319.56 |
Renew | ¥1319.56 |
8 years | |
Register | ¥1508.08 |
Renew | ¥1508.08 |
9 years | |
Register | ¥1696.58 |
Renew | ¥1696.58 |
10 years | |
Register | ¥1885.09 |
Renew | ¥1885.09 |
If you already have an online presence, you can protect your luxury brand and products against imitations, cybersquatters, and competitors with a .LUXURY domain name. Evolve your digital strategy; .LUXURY allows you to control your branding efforts and maintain your online status. If you don't want to set up a separate website, you can simply redirect traffic back to your main website with our domain forwarding service.
Introduced | 2014 |
Usage | Luxury Websites |
Renewal Grace Period | 30 Days |
Deletion Grace Period | 4 Days |
Restore Period | 30 Days |
Renewal Upon Transfer | 1 Year |
Privacy Allowed | Yes |
IDN Supported | No |
DNSSEC Supported | Yes |
Type | Global |
Restrictions | None |
Registry | Luxury Partners, LLC |
Wikipedia Entry | Wikipedia |
Registration Price (1 year) | ¥199.32 |
Renewal Price (1 year) | ¥199.32 |
Transfer Price | ¥199.32 |
Restore Price | ¥964.44 |