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Why can't I transfer my domain?

There are several reasons why you may not be able to transfer your domain:

  • The domain is in "Registrar Lock" status. Registrar lock helps ensure that your domain is not transferred away by someone else. Please unlock your domain before attempting to continue the domain transfer. If you're transferring to Dynadot, you'll need to contact your current registrar to learn how to unlock your domain.
  • You have not provided the authorization code for the domain. The authorization code, like the registrar lock, helps to keep your domain safe from being transferred out by someone else. With our bulk transfers, the auth codes are not initially required (though it's recommended to include them). In this case, you will receive an email from us letting you know where to enter them, so the transfer process can begin. If you are transferring to Dynadot, you will need to contact your current registrar to get your auth codes.
  • The email address listed in the Whois directory is not valid. The transfer authorization email will be send to the Whois email address, so you need to be able to access that email. You will need to update your Whois email address before you can complete the authorization and continue the process.
  • The transfer has not been authorized yet. Again, keep an eye out for that transfer authorization email sent to your Whois email.
  • The domain expired before the transfer was initiated. Domain transfers do not officially "start" until the transfer has been authorized. Therefore, if your domain expires before the domain transfer has been initiated, there is a possibility that your domain transfer will be denied even if you submit a domain transfer order before the expiration date.
  • The domain was newly registered. Newly registered domains cannot be transferred to a new domain registrar until after their first 60 days of registration per ICANN's policy.
  • The domain was just transferred to your current registrar. Newly transferred domains cannot be transferred to another domain registrar until 60 days after the original transfer date, also per ICANN's policy.
  • The domain is not eligible to be transfered after it is listed for user auction. You can cancel the user auction listing and transfer the domain away before a bid was received.

Please give yourself ample time (2-3 weeks) when you submit your domain transfer order so that your domain does not expire while we are attempting to authorize the transfer.

Learn more about the steps involved in the domain transfer process

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