Find Your Domain
Dynadot takes your account security seriously. This is why we ask you to enter a secret question and answer as well as a "Security PIN" on your first login. The 4-digit security PIN should be easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess as we will ask for it during certain account functions such as editing your account info and unlocking your domains.
If you do forget your Security PIN, you'll need to submit a forget Security PIN request.
Your secret answer will be required when you request to reset the Security PIN so it should be something a stranger would not know about you. For example:
Question: favorite food
Answer: apple
Please note that the secret question and answer can not be reset or modified once set, and your secret answer provided must be entered exactly as it was when you created it in the future. So, for the example above, "Apple" or "APPLE" would be seen as incorrect by our system.
Want to add even more security to your account? Add Google Authenticator and/or SMS Authenticator to your account.