
Copyright © 2002-2025 Dynadot LLC. All rights reserved.
我们的内置电子商务商店经理仅可与我们一起使用网站构建者的专业计划我们的商店管理器能让您轻松地销售产品和服务,并提供强大的工具。要使用我们的商店管理器,您只需要购买我们的专业计划,或将现有的网站构建工具升级为专业计划。如何开始使用新的网站构建者专业计划 前往我们的网站构建者计划页 点击“开始”按钮,然后找到并选择“以专业网站构建器开始”。 选择一个域名开始。您会看到3个选项:链接域名,搜索域名和转移域名。 请先完成注册或转移订单。完成后,该域将添加到您账户的“管理域名”部分的活动列表中。 转到 管理域名 页面,单击您想要使用的域名链接,在新页面中找到“开始您的免费网站”部分。 点击"升级",然后在购物车中找到一个新订单并完成它。 一旦您的订单完成,您将能够使用我们的商店管理器,以及Pro计划中其他出色的工具。商店管理器可以在您的网站构建器主菜单中的"Store"选项下找到。 如何将您的网站构建程序升级为专业计划 登录到您的Dynadot账户。 从左侧菜单栏选择“我的网站”。 点击需要升级的网站建立器旁的“升级”按钮。 升级已添加至您的购物车。 点击页面上方的购物车图片进行结账。 按照以下步骤完成您的购买。 一旦您的订单完成,您将可以访问我们的商店经理以及我们专业计划中的其他出色工具。商店经理可在您的网站构建器主菜单中的"Store"选项下找到。
Our product page is only available with our Website Builder's Pro plan. Wondering why your added products aren't visible on your website? We kindly request that you carefully review the possible reasons below: Products can ONLY be added on product page. It is necessary to have your website builder plan connected to Stripe or have the test order functionality enabled. Shipping zones, shipping rates and tax settings are required. Your products may be hidden. To check, you will need to open the product's settings page from your store manager's inventory tab. Then, find the "Hidden" toggle option in the "Product Options" section and uncheck it. Stock cannot be zero. Zero stock products will be automatically disabled on the product page. If you have double-checked all the conditions above and still haven't found the answer, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you and provide further support. How do I get the store manager function in my Website Builder? How do I add different options or variants of the same product to my Website Builder store manager? How do I choose what page a product will show on from within your Website Builder store manager?
我们的建站工具购物车是一种内置的电子商务解决方案,非常适合希望轻松开始网上商店的企业。我们的购物车可通过我们的...专业计划该平台还为企业提供无限页面、SEO工具、移动优化等服务。我们的购物车使其变得容易添加和管理产品,跟踪订单 和 运输甚至自动发送定制订单通知给客户们。请查看我们的购物车常见问题了解更多!
To view the statistics for your Website Builder's store, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Statistics" option on the left-hand tool bar. In the top-right corner of the page you should see an option to toggle between "Website" and "Store", click the "Store" option. At the top of the page, you can find various statistics for your store's performance, such as the number of visits to your store, total order quantity, and your total revenue. In the center of this page, you'll find a graph showing your store's sale stats. You can use the two drop-down menus to view a particular year's statistics or change the currency. If you'd like to view your main website's statistics, click on the "Website" toggle in the top-right of the page above the "Total Visits" count. Please note that the store and statistics features are only available with our Website Builder Pro Plan.