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  • How do I hide a blog post?

    Our Website Builder makes it easy to manage your blog! If you'd like to hide a post on your blog, please follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar.
    3. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the Website Builder you want to use.
    4. Click on your blog page from the navigation bar.
    5. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Blog" option on the left-hand tool bar.
    6. Click "Post List" on the left-hand tool bar.
    7. Here you can view and manage your existing blog posts.
    8. To toggle a post's visibility, click on the 'eye' icon to the left of the post's title. A line should appear crossing through the eye icon to show that it has been hidden.
    9. You can also hover your mouse over the 'eye' icon to view a bubble showing either "Visible" or "Hidden" depending on the post's current status.

    Please note:
    Our free plan does not support blog unfortunately.
    Our Pro plan allows unlimited numbers of blog posts.
    Upgrade to get blog posts, more pages, and tools.

    Learn more about our Website Builder blog.

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