8/13/2009 17:28
You tried to renew your domain on August 6. However, we were unable to charge your credit card. You should have received an email on that same date. You can try to resubmit your order using the same card or you can try using a different payment method.
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[quote]teamdynadot says: You tried to renew your domain on August 6. However, we were unable to charge your credit card. You should have received an email on that same date.
You can try to resubmit your order using the same card or you can try using a different payment method.[/quote]
You tried to renew your domain on August 6. However, we were unable to charge your credit card. You should have received an email on that same date.
You can try to resubmit your order using the same card or you can try using a different payment method. Edit