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DNS settings for Squarespace
Posted By kat3
3/5/2016 10:35
Using the instructions supplied by Squarespace, you will be tempted to include the A records in the Subdomain section. WRONG! If you do this, your settings will be rejected and you will get an error message complaining about the @ sign.

What worked for me:

Under the Domain Records area:
  Do NOT include a Forward instruction - even though Dynadot says to
    (Maybe there's a good reason for the Forward, but the Squarespace person I talked to didn't seem to think so.)
  DO define four A records using @ signs and the IP addresses supplied by Squarespace
    (They are,,,

Under the Subdomain area:
  Define the first CNAME using the unique code supplied by Squarespace
  Define the second CNAME using (NOT like Dynadot says)
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9/20/2021 09:08
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9/15/2021 15:35
This does not work.
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3/5/2016 16:30
Thanks for the update, we'll look into this.
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