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  • How do I activate my new .ECO domain name(s)?

    After registering a .ECO domain name, you'll need to have the domain name activated by the central registry before it can be used.

    Shortly after registering your new domain you should receive an email from activate@profiles.eco with the subject line Activate [yourdomain].eco. If this email hasn't been received, you can request a new activation email by using the central registry's tool, which can be found here.

    This email will include an invitation to create a .ECO profile and activate your domain. When creating your .ECO profile you'll be required to take a pledge to show your commitment to the purpose and principles of .ECO, and affirm your eligibility by sharing your eco actions and commitments.

    These requirements apply to all .ECO domain names. Once your .ECO profile has been activated, you can begin using your .ECO domains. Failure to complete this process will leave the domain name in a "Server Hold" status until the activation is successful.

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