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Website not directing to index.html
8/8/2007 23:14
Hi there - I am having issues seeing images when I load my website.

I setup my index.html, it displays the text that is in the index.html, but it does not read the stylesheet (CSS). I noticed though that it doesn't load the (index.html) either.

(My website is ( - You load it, and it looks plain with the text I have written. You load ( and the stylesheet seems to read correctly. My images and everything are there. So I guess I am asking why when is entered and loaded, it is not redirecting to the index.

Sorry if this is confusing? Hard to word it I suppose.



[This post has been edited by k_s_la pine_us on Aug 8, 2007 11:15pm.]
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8/9/2007 14:36
Dear god it's working! Thank you for the help - DynaDot is great!
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8/9/2007 14:30
The old file is probably cached by your web browser. You can try repeatedly clicking the refresh button to get the new page or clear your web browser's cache.

In your webhost account area, you can change page expiration setting to immediate in the 'Admin' section.
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8/9/2007 14:23
Alright, I changed what was wrong, and sure enough the same issue is happening. You go to ( the plain text with no images shows up.

If you click on the home link however ( it loads fine.

Any other ideas?
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8/9/2007 12:18
Yeah, I should of included that - It wasn't working before that, so I included the home directory.

I will remove it and let you know how things go.

Thanks for the quick reply!
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8/9/2007 11:11
The stylesheet url should not include the home directory, so it should be

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/default.css"/>
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