I'm having problems incorporating Google adsense into my site www.insidekl.com which I think is due to your server not being able to accept their script. Any way to solve this problem?
Honestly, I'm very much a big fan hosting my domains here but the limitations of your webhosting facilities may force me to move my hosting to another provider. Any way you can upgrade your hosting? I wouldn't mind paying a little more for that.
We are considering adding PHP/MySQL with our webhosting plans, though, I do not know when they will be added. As for SWF, if the SWF file is a static Flash file, you should be able to host it on our webhosting plans already.
Yeah... so sorry... ads on some pages appear while others not yet. But still, I sure wish you would offer server-side enabled webhosting as I would prefer to have all my domains and websites consolidated into one registrar/host. Makes life easier as I won't have to "dig" up my authorisation codes... especially from some registrars that love to bury the codes right at the bottom of the pages and that's after 200 clicks, etc.
Looking for php/swf enabled hosting for my next 2 websites... Please think about it???
Remember Ad Sense ads can take upto 24 hours to appear. Initially you think "They're not working" but as the saying goes " All good things :-)come to those who wait"